



Empowering educational excellence, transforming schools, and enriching futures through innovative consulting solutions.

Who We Are

At LEAD, we’re a team of educators and administrators dedicated to transforming education. With a focus on academic excellence and inclusivity, we tailor innovative solutions to meet the unique needs of each school. Through collaborative partnerships, we drive transformative change, shaping a brighter future for education, one school at a time.

Our approach draws on diverse backgrounds and experiences to address complex challenges, combining research with practical strategies to empower schools. Together, we’re dedicated to redefining education and ensuring every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Our Mission

At LEAD, we are driven by a singular mission: to equip schools and educators with specialized expertise, fostering transformative change and ensuring equitable, high-quality education for all students. Our dedicated team of consultants, deeply skilled and committed, tailors solutions to meet the distinct needs of each educational institution. Through the integration of cutting-edge research, innovative strategies, and collaborative partnerships, we ignite excellence, champion inclusivity, and cultivate environments conducive to the holistic thriving of every learner—academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we are steadfastly dedicated to shaping a brighter future for education, one school at a time. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you in pursuit of this shared objective.

In our vision, LEAD fosters a future where educational institutions excel with empowerment and innovation. Our mission is to equip educators with the tools and expertise to drive meaningful change, ensuring equitable access to high-quality education for every student. Through our commitment to excellence, LEAD strives to be a catalyst for transformative growth, inspiring positive change in schools and communities worldwide.

Our Services

Curriculum Development

Assist in the creation and refinement of curriculum materials to align with state standards, educational goals, and best practices.

Professional Development

Provide training sessions, workshops, and seminars for teachers and administrators to enhance their skills in teaching, leadership, classroom management, and technology integration.

Assessment and Data Analysis

Develop assessment strategies and analyze data to evaluate student performance, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time.

Program Evaluation

Conduct comprehensive evaluations of existing programs and initiatives to assess effectiveness and make recommendations for enhancements or modifications.

Special Education Services

Offer support and expertise in developing and implementing special education programs, including individualized education plans (IEPs) and accommodations for students with disabilities.

Strategic Planning

Collaborate with district leaders to develop long-term strategic plans focused on improving academic outcomes, fostering equity and inclusion, and maximizing resources.

Leadership Coaching
and Mentoring

Provide individual and group coaching and mentoring programs with experienced leadership coaches to develop personalized leadership strategies and goals offering intensive guidance and support. 

Parent and
Community Engagement

Provide strategies and resources to strengthen partnerships between schools, families, and the broader community to support student success and well-being.

Policy Development

Assist in the development and implementation of policies and
procedures related to educational standards, student conduct, safety, and other areas of

Grant Writing
and Funding Assistance

Assist districts in identifying and applying for grants, securing funding opportunities, and managing grant-funded projects to support educational initiatives and improvements.

English Language Development (ELD)
Curriculum Development

Create or customize curriculum materials specifically designed to support ELLs in developing their English language skills across listening, speaking, reading, and writing domains.

Professional Development
for Teachers

Offering training sessions, workshops, and coaching for teachers to enhance their ability to effectively teach English language learners, including strategies for differentiated instruction, language scaffolding, and culturally responsive teaching practices.

Assessment and Data Analysis

Develop or selecting appropriate language proficiency assessments and analyzing data to monitor the progress of ELLs, identify areas for growth, and inform instructional decisions.

Sheltered Instruction Training

Provide guidance and support for teachers in implementing sheltered instruction techniques, which aim to make academic content more accessible to ELLs by integrating language and content instruction in ways that support language development.

Support for Language
Acquisition Programs

Assist schools in the implementation and management of language acquisition programs such as English as a Second Language (ESL), English Language Development (ELD), or Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs.

Cultural Competency Training

Offer professional development opportunities to help educators better understand and support the cultural and linguistic diversity of their ELL students and their families.

Family Engagement Initiatives

Provide resources and strategies for schools to effectively engage with the families of ELL students, including providing information about language development, educational opportunities, and community resources.

Policy and Compliance Support

Assist schools in understanding and complying with federal and state regulations related to the education of English language learners, including requirements for language proficiency assessments, program evaluation, and reporting.

Consultation and Coaching

Offer ongoing consultation and coaching services to school administrators, teachers, and support staff to address specific challenges or questions related to supporting ELLs effectively.

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